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Tactile Box Game

Fee: £ 0.00 per 28 days

Location: Ormiston March (Queens St)
Condition: B - Good
Code: 163

The disks are taken out and shuffled and distributed among the players. The players explore the surfaces of the disks, and then the material inside the box and describe it. In a playful way by feeling with the hands and feet the sense of touch is encouraged. Language and concept formation is stimulated, and memory trained. From 3 years on. Contents / Material: Set of 10 different surfaces: felt curtain: 40% cotton, 60% viscose, plush fur: hair 100% acrylic, base fabric 100% polyester, artificial turf, grid with pipe cleaner structure, firmly glued on small pebbles, plastic knobs disk, abrasive paper, cork, rubber foam, metal disk, plexiglass with high breaking resistance. Tactile foot boxes: made out of 12 mm plywood.

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Ormiston March (Queens St)